Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences
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Health insurance

Students from the EU

Students from the European Union or European Economic Area are entitled to medical services on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). In Polish it’s "Europejska Karta Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego". It should be issued by a competent domestic authority before arrival to Poland. At the moment the EHIC is the only valid medical insurance document on the European Union territory, as far as free medical care is concerned. The EHIC can be used to cover any necessary medical treatment due to either an accident or illness within the European Economic Area (EEA).

To get treatment by a general practitioner (examination and consultation) you should go to a doctor who has a contract with the NFZ and show your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). To get treatment by a dentist, dermatologist, venereologist, eye specialist or psychiatrist you do not need a referral. To go to any other specialist you need to go to a general practitioner first to get a referral. The standard treatment by a specialist who has a contract with the NFZ is free, but costs of above-standard services and materials have to be covered by the patient.

The institution responsible for health care in Poland is the Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (NFZ) - the National Health Fund. Detailed information concerning health care in Poland can be found at: http://www.nfz.gov.pl/ 

Students from outside the EU

International students from outside the European Union should have private insurance that covers emergency medical treatment. But this insurance covers mostly only accidents and do not cover general practitioner’s consultation. For a general medical care insurance (Voluntary Health Insurance for Students from Foreign Counties) you have to apply in the NFZ department.

NFZ details in Wrocław:

NFZ Insurance Department
ul. Dawida 2, 1st floor
50-525 Wrocław

NFZ insurance costs 46,80 PLN per month (15 EUR) and with it you can use the free medical care with the same rights as Polish citizens. For the application procedure you need:

  • an application form (provided by NFZ Insurance Department or by International Office)
  • a copy of your passport
  • a copy of student’s ID
  • a confirmation from the AWF (provided by International Office) that you are a student.

You can contact private insurance agencies who offer insurance policies in Poland, for example: Gothaer, PZU or AXA.

You can also buy Euro26 Card which provides you with an insurance in case of accident and also gives you student’s discounts. The Euro26 Card is valid in whole Europe. You can buy the card in the following places in Wroclaw:

  • RAINBOW TOURS SA, Grunwaldzki Sq. 22 (Pasaż Grunwaldzki), phone: 71 726 33 81
  • AGENCJA TURYSTYCZNA ARKADIA, Szczytnicka 43, phone: 71 321 42 60, 327 72 29
  • BIURO USŁUG TURYSTYCZNYCH JOLA, P. Skargi 29, phone: 71 342 66 01
  • RAINBOW TOURS, Szewska 27-27A/1b, phone: 71 344 81 54
  • PTTK O/WROCŁAWSKI, Rynek - Ratusz 11/12, phone: 71 344 39 23

The ISIC card is also a good idea – it also offers health insurance for foreign students. In Wrocław you can get it in the following places:

  • Almatur, Armii Krajowej 12A/2, phone: 71 34 34 135
  • Logostour Grunwaldzki Sq. 12 -14, phone: 71 321 74 54
  • Orka Tour, Racławicka 15/19 room 103a, phone: 71 333 30 30
  • Rainbow Tours C.H. Wroclavia, Sucha 1, phone:71 336 15 88
  • Remedium Piłsudskiego 2, phone:71 344 33 43
  • Twister Biuro Podróży  ul. Kościuszki 27, phone:71 344 81 88

In case of emergency call 999 or 112 or go directly to a hospital, in particular to an accident and emergency department (SOR).